Monday, March 26, 2012

Meal Planning

So, meal planning.   I try to do this on Saturday or Sunday mornings.  Although once Jamie starts his new job, I'll probably need to do it on Saturday so we can grocery shop on Sunday.  At any rate, this blog is late!  The meal plan started with last night's dinner of gorgonzola stuffed filet mignons, sauteed zucchini, mushrooms, squash, & asparagus, buttery red potatoes, & salad.  We were both stuffed!  And I do have a great lunch today.

For the remainder of the week:
Monday:  sushi night out
Tuesday: Jamie's night
Wednesday:  Pork Tenderloin with Mushroom Sauce and sauteed spinach
Thursday:  Asian Style Beef Kebabs, quinoa, salad
Friday:  J Gilbert's Wood Fired Steaks & Seafood
Saturday: Chicken Tacos

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